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Meghalaya Adventure Living Root Bridges and Shillong Exploration


Double-Decker Living Root Bridge in Nongriat:

Begin your adventure with a trek to the famous Double-Decker Living Root Bridge in the village of Nongriat. Marvel at the intricately woven roots that form a sturdy and eco-friendly bridge across a river.

Single-Living Root Bridge in Mawlynnong:

Continue your exploration to Mawlynnong, often called the "Cleanest Village in Asia." Experience the serenity of Mawlynnong and visit a single-living root bridge, known for its natural beauty.

Trek through Lush Forests:

Enjoy trekking through lush green forests, crossing streams, and soaking in the pristine natural surroundings. The trek to these root bridges is not just an adventure but a journey through Meghalaya's unspoiled landscapes.